


perro fantasma said...

So far this summer, while supposedly trying to finish my master's degree, I have managed to read approximately 4752 pages of fantasy novels.

Don't get me wrong, it's been fun and all, but I think I'm finally coming down from my fix. Anybody have any recommendations for meatier summer reading for me to sink my teeth into?

perro fantasma said...

And shit, since we got such a handsome picture of the old bastard up here already, should we read some Bukowski?

* said...

Master's degree... 4752 pages of fantasy novels. The correlation is clear, makes sense to me!

meatier summer reading: Greil Marcus' Lipstick Traces? <(you'd enjoy this one, I think) Philip Roth's Portnoy's Complaint? Some good ol' J.G. Ballard? Semiotext(e)'s Hatred of Capitalism? I dunno, can't think, too early for that, but you can always drop by, and pick some summer books from my library.

damn straight, IT'S OLD durrrrrrty BASTARD TIME!!!

A compendium of things that inspire, and works in progress. said...

tasty tasty, i <3 old dirty bastards. It's the breakfast of champions. I vote for some new skeeze, Portnoy's Complaint. liver anyone?

perro fantasma said...

I'm down for Portnoy's Complaint. I'm down for the others as well. I'M DOWN FOR ANYTHING!

Also, there is a utopian/dystopian bookclub that meets at the local marxist library right down the street from my house. They are currently reading A Canticle for Leibowitz. Anybody read that before?

* said...

Oh I didn't mean we should read the ones I mentioned. So it's a no to sautéed liver with Ol' durtyyy bastard? I read Portnoy's complaint not that long ago, but I'm down regardles. I'M DOWN FOR ANYTHING TOO!
Never heard of A Canticle for Leibowitz. will look it up.

A compendium of things that inspire, and works in progress. said...
