Chapter 23 has monkeys in it

"A monkey jazz band was now disporting itself frenetically on the stage behind the tulips, where the King of the Waltz had played before. A huge gorilla with shaggy side whiskers conducted with a trumpet in its hands, bobbing up and down clumsily. In one row, orangutans were blowing into gleaming trumpets. On their shoulders sat merry chimpanzees with accordions. Two baboons with manes like lions played pianos, which were not heard amidst the thunder and squeals and booming of saxophones, violins, and drums in the hands of gibbons, mandrills and marmosets."
Book Burning Memorial at Bebelplatz, Berlin

Greetings Booqclubers,
I just wanted to share this with y'all. I think it's quite an evocative piece.
Empty white bookcases commemorating the book burning parties of them Nazi motherfuckers. For more visuals go here.
How's the reading going? Shall we meet after the holidays or before-ish?
Maybe we can have a mid-book discussion if need be. Or not. Or whatever.
But regardless... READ ON mateys!!
Next Book(s)

City of Quartz will be read as a buffer for each meeting to help situate where the next club meeting will take place. Members are expected to read one chapter from the book for each meeting.
The primary book we will be focusing on is The Master and Margarita.
* don't forget we get a discount at skylight books when buying booqclub books so make sure you say something when purchasing.
Lest we forget who we are and what we do I believe the time bomb of time has clocked down to mere moments before zero. A meeting must happen before this occurs.
There will be pancakes. Endless stacks in a brilliant array of flavors and concoctions.**
All members most come whether you have read all, partially, or none of the book.***
Between mouthfuls of pancakes, coffee, mimosa's, cigarettes and words revolving around the third policeman we will also try to choose our next book.****
*(if the location seems unheard of it's the road behind, above or possibly beneath the one you are looking at. if this is still seems obtuse use telepathy.)
**(additions to the pancakes is highly recommended. corn made pancakes will not be made, bring your own.)
***(the meeting is an easy pancake)
****(the word choose is loosely used. there is no such thing as choice, all such things are illusions as demonstrated in yes's scientific experiment utilizing an orange, mouth wash, two miniature top hats and a rabbit.)
soon come
colored winds & little gowns

'... there are four winds and eight sub-winds, each with its own color. The wind from the east is a deep purple, from the south a fine shining silver. The north wind is a hard black and the west is amber. People in the old days had the power of perceiving these colors and could spend a day sitting quietly on a hillside watching the beauty of the winds, their fall and rise and changing hues, the magic of neighbouring winds when they are interweaved like ribbons at a wedding. It was a better occupation than gazing at the newspapers. The sub-winds had colours of indescribable delicacy, a reddish-yellow half-way between silver and purple, a greyish-green which was related equally to black and brown. What could be more exquisite than a countryside swept lightly by cool rain reddened by the south-west breeze!'
it's mandatory YOU ALL HEAR?
There will be spiked punch courtesy of Lady Saffron.
We'll all be giving power point presentations on our reading lists & whatever topics we've been obsessing on, literary or not.

BOOQCLUB shall be run as a corporation from this point on.
Dress accordingly. And bring boxing gloves, just in case.
What I am Reading and The Essence of Blogging ver.2.0
A quickie on what I am reading....
Women In Love - just started
TAZ - still reading, though sits on my nightstand more often than the rest
A Field Guide to Getting Lost - still reading
City Of Quartz - taken a slight break from
On the Spirit of Blogging part 2
I concur with Beneficence.
May we reinstate a vote around on the next book, maybe at a time that is a little more accessible for everyone? Or, at the very least, present a voting path that can be done on the blog and have wild orgiastic booq club meetings over brunch? An early morning meeting is limited to the few that can make it and does seem unintentionally exclusive.
Women In Love - just started
TAZ - still reading, though sits on my nightstand more often than the rest
A Field Guide to Getting Lost - still reading
City Of Quartz - taken a slight break from
On the Spirit of Blogging part 2
I concur with Beneficence.
May we reinstate a vote around on the next book, maybe at a time that is a little more accessible for everyone? Or, at the very least, present a voting path that can be done on the blog and have wild orgiastic booq club meetings over brunch? An early morning meeting is limited to the few that can make it and does seem unintentionally exclusive.
Spirit of Blogging
so...in the spirit of blogging...I have two questions...
1) what happened to the booqclub voting for books? has that been done away with????????
2)whats up withthe super early morning meetings? do u guys want to exlude people?
I would have liked to have been at the meeting but that hour was unreasonable...I felt excluded :P
not nice!
1) what happened to the booqclub voting for books? has that been done away with????????
2)whats up withthe super early morning meetings? do u guys want to exlude people?
I would have liked to have been at the meeting but that hour was unreasonable...I felt excluded :P
not nice!
For the enjoyment of all, I give you...
if that ain't ontological anarchy and/or poetic terrorism, i don"t know what is.
if nothing else, it certainly made me laugh my ass off.

Sweet Baby Jesus on a bicycle! That was one hell of a meeting; many topics were discussed and thoroughly explored by the 4 brave souls that decided to congregate in Union Station at 8 a.m. sharp on a bright and shiny Sunday morning.
Round table, musical chairs, dead fish, and sparkly intellects zinging under a glorious morning sky. That's the spirit, YO... let it flow & let it work through you!
And now I'm proud to introduce the newest member of our booqclub: say hello to Mr. Dikonstrukt himself, here to break it down, pull it apart, and put it all back together again.
So get crackin y'all... because it is ON like DONKEY KONG! Hop on your damn bicycle and start pedaling with all your might because, believe me when I say this, you DO NOT want to fall behind. (click on it kitty!)

If its nutty enough it will work out.
The events that paned out: coffee, introduction's, discussion, food, banter and field trip to Skylight Books to choose our next book which is:
Buy it, Borrow it, Steal it, then Read it.
Next meeting will commence in a month. Those of who missed the last meeting get back on board! You are missed.
Mandatory BOOQ Club Meeting
I'm calling a mandatory* meeting of BOOQCLUB.
It will take place at Los Angeles' Union Station in the courtyard at 8:00 am, tomorrow (Sunday, Oct 11).
Each member will have read ALL, SOME or NONE of Hakim Bey's T.A.Z.
Each member will have something to say to the group or will remain defiantly silent.
*calling a mandatory meeting of BOOQCLUB is the perogative of any member of the club and can be exercised at any time, with only the smallest amount of forewarning. It is also within the rights of any member of BOOQCLUB not to attend such a meeting, and are not required to give any reason for not attending.
It will take place at Los Angeles' Union Station in the courtyard at 8:00 am, tomorrow (Sunday, Oct 11).
Each member will have read ALL, SOME or NONE of Hakim Bey's T.A.Z.
Each member will have something to say to the group or will remain defiantly silent.
*calling a mandatory meeting of BOOQCLUB is the perogative of any member of the club and can be exercised at any time, with only the smallest amount of forewarning. It is also within the rights of any member of BOOQCLUB not to attend such a meeting, and are not required to give any reason for not attending.

this is what's up...
In Praise of Shadows, in the middle of
Breakfast of Champions, almost done
Folklore and Symbolism of Flowers, Plants and Trees, just started
Of walking in Ice, picked up again
Maps of the Imagination, in the middle of
Nightwood, just started
The Naming of Names, about to be all up in it
Walkscapes, oh yeah flanoosie-oosie-loosie
The Everyday, browsing at leisure
TAZ, still at it
plus: issues of Bust & Martha Stewart
and sometimes i like to read things like this too!
so there you have it.
Are we reading? What are you reading?
It's been more than a month for TAZ. Are we done? Is it dead? Other things you've been reading? A meeting sometime soon? Yes, yes please.
Me oh well;
TAZ- reading but I have tabled it for quite a bit
I Love Dick- Practically Done
Rapture- in the middle of
The Accursed Share Volume 2- in the middle of
oh oh oh oh and book I just bought: The Politics of Friendship by Derrida that should be added to our list of reads... maybe next????
Skylight Books
Skylight Books will ALWAYS carry our book club reads from now on because soon we will be featured here: Book Groups
So when our next monthly book is chosen go there so you can get sweet discount loven plus the warm fuzzy feeling of supporting a local business.
You all can thank me later, I accept gifts in any variety.
From the godhead herself...
Word on the street, straightfrom the mouth of the godhead, is the next book is:
The temporary autonomous zone, ontological anarchy, poetic terrorism
Second edition with new preface
The temporary autonomous zone, ontological anarchy, poetic terrorism
Second edition with new preface
Everybody best get prepared, cause this shit might just blow yr mind.
in the mood for...
...dick? ( kraus' loves it )
... getting lost? ( solnit's field guide )
i'm reading ( the omnivore's dilemma ) at the moment, i know Yes was too but she might be done with it already.
so i dunno, whatever works. y'all know i'll read anything (anything but the secret !)
check out the ( links ) if you're interested/curious about these titles.
My Vote
Heres my vote:
A lover's Discourse - Roland Barthes
A Field Guide to Getting Lost - Rebecca Solnit
Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil - Hannah Arendt
The Death and Life of Great American Cities - Jane Jacobs
City of Quartz - Mike Davis
Heres my vote:
A lover's Discourse - Roland Barthes
A Field Guide to Getting Lost - Rebecca Solnit
Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil - Hannah Arendt
The Death and Life of Great American Cities - Jane Jacobs
City of Quartz - Mike Davis
Second Round: My vote for the next book
T.A.Z. Temporary Autonomous Zone -Hakim Bay
I Love Dick - Chris Kraus
The Philosopher in the Kitchen - Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin.
I Love Dick - Chris Kraus
The Philosopher in the Kitchen - Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin.
Hey gang, thanks for the invite to the little posse here. I'm looking forward to readin some books with yall.
As for the books I would like to read, I would definitely second these ones already mentioned:
As for the books I would like to read, I would definitely second these ones already mentioned:
Angela Davis: An Autobiography - Angela Davis
Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Friederich Nietzche
The Omnivore's Dilemma - Michael Pollan
City of Quartz - Mike Davis
The Life and Death of Great American Cities - Jane Jacobs
T.A.Z. Temporary Autonomous Zone -Hakim Bay
Discipline and Punish - Michel Foucault
The Philosopher in the Kitchen - Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
Homo Ludens - Huizinga
As for possible additions to the list, just off the top of my head I would say...
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle - Barbara Kingsolver
A Language Older Than Words - Derrick Jensen
Hopping Freight Trains in America - Duffy Littlejohn
Days of War, Nights of Love - The Crimethinc Workers Collective
An Ordinary Person's Guide to Empire - Arundhati Roy
The Wretched of the Earth - Frantz Fanon
The Society of the Spectacle - Guy Debord
As for possible additions to the list, just off the top of my head I would say...
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle - Barbara Kingsolver
A Language Older Than Words - Derrick Jensen
Hopping Freight Trains in America - Duffy Littlejohn
Days of War, Nights of Love - The Crimethinc Workers Collective
An Ordinary Person's Guide to Empire - Arundhati Roy
The Wretched of the Earth - Frantz Fanon
The Society of the Spectacle - Guy Debord
Gonzo Screening
As a recap for the book discussion and to further our knowledge of Hunter S. Thompson we will be meeting 7/30 at 7:15 at Regency Theaters
FIRST BOOK: fear and loathing in las vegas

"Every now and then when your life gets complicated and the weasels start closing in, the only real cure is to load up on heinous chemicals and then drive like a bastard from Hollywood to Las Vegas. To relax, as it were, in the womb of the desert sun. Just roll the roof back and screw it on, grease the face with white tanning butter and move out with the music at top volume, and at least a pint of ether..."
- Beneficence:
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Hunter S. Thompson
... - F. Scott Fitzgerald
A lover's Discourse - Roland Barthes
- Talk to the Hand:
Herculine Barbin - Michel Foucault
The Golden Road: Notes on my Gentrification - Caille Millner
The Zuni Man-Woman - Will Roscoe
Angela Davis: An Autobiography - Angela Davis
Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Friederich Nietzche
Racial Castration: Managing Masculinity in Asian America - David Eng
- Yes:
The Omnivore's Dilemma - Michael Pollan
Negative Space: Manny Farber
Inner Experience - Georges Bataille
No One Belongs Here More Than You - Miranda July
- Lady Saffron:
Houston, Houston, Do You Read? - James Tiptree
Swann's Way - Marcel Proust
City of Quartz - Mike Davis
The Life and Death of Great American Cities - Jane Jacobs
C0ncrete Island - JG Ballard
- Kitty:
T.A.Z. Temporary Autonomous Zone -Hakim Bay
Discipline and Punish - Michel Foucault
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose - Ekhart Tolle
Little House on the Praire -Laura Ingalls Wilder
- The Baroness:
Nightwood - Djuna Barnes
Au Bonehur des Dames - Emile Zola
Vertigo - W.G. Sebald
Reena Spaulings - Bernadette Corporation
Herculine Barbin - Michel Foucault
The Philosopher in the Kitchen - Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
Homo Ludens - Huizinga
The Vatican to Vegas: A History of Special Effects - Norman Klein
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