
Mandatory BOOQ Club Meeting

I'm calling a mandatory* meeting of BOOQCLUB.

It will take place at Los Angeles' Union Station in the courtyard at 8:00 am, tomorrow (Sunday, Oct 11).

Each member will have read ALL, SOME or NONE of Hakim Bey's T.A.Z.

Each member will have something to say to the group or will remain defiantly silent.


*calling a mandatory meeting of BOOQCLUB is the perogative of any member of the club and can be exercised at any time, with only the smallest amount of forewarning. It is also within the rights of any member of BOOQCLUB not to attend such a meeting, and are not required to give any reason for not attending.



A compendium of things that inspire, and works in progress. said...

the baroness and i will see you then pj's coffee and all.

* said...

kitty kitty kitty!

i'm liking this. i don't know if i'll like it as much tomorrow morning as i attempt to crawl out of bed after yet another night of roman debauchery.
yes, pj's and coffee. make mine strong please & hold the water, just fix me a couple of lines of freshly roasted ethiopian yirgacheffe... i'll take it from there.


A compendium of things that inspire, and works in progress. said...

I spoke to Lady Saffron it should be no surprise her comment's. Yes it is early and Yes it is short notice. but come on, just do what i do and say YES. Do it for the books! (The BOOKS!) Excuse's kill. I swear.