Hey there gang. How goes it? Where everybody be at? Anybody read anything good lately? I just finished Oryx and Crake by Margret Atwood, and it was pretty bad ass. I would certainly recommend it if you're into post-apocalyptic dystopian type stuff.
... by words the mind is winged ...
Hey you.
If you say so then it must be so, I will definitely add it to my reading list.
I think it's just you & me up in here? I have a feeling everybody has moved to greener pastures. But it don't matter we can still rock it, comrade. I'll start posting soon, whatever lit-related thing it's on my mind.
I already told you about my latest reading adventures, The Notebooks of Joseph Joubert was excellent (a thinking man/woman's book. I checked it out from the Library but I think I want to own it.) I also really enjoyed Fast and Feast: Food in Medieval Society by Henisch. I forget what else, but it's all up in Goodreads.
Did you ever get through that thick tome by Stephenson or are you still chipping at it?
Still chipping away. It's one of those "i'm gonna develop a vocabulary that only exists within the pages of this book, so if you're gonna read it it's gonna take some dedication" kinda books. Also, it's too fucking big to lug on my daily commute, so I can't read it on the train, which is probably the bigger factor on why I haven't finished it yet. Hell, the motherfucker is a pain in the ass to just hold sitting around the house. But as soon as the semester is over I'm planning on setting aside some leisurely days to plow through the rest of it.
sounds like too much. i usually try to avoid those creatures.
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